Image of medium men bruette hairstyle w/ long bangs
kire plie pua to chuti mast hoieci
by subham
right now
by wqeq
Man, i wish i could have this hairstyle. i have something similar but my hair is really thick, no matter how much people cut it/shear it it comes back in a day. haha
by Scott
yeah I'd just bring it in...I don't know if it will be 100%, but I'd rather them have a clue than slappinga bowl on your head and just "going at it"
by JIM!!!!
Why not simply print out the pic and bring it with you?
by Scott
That style is just what I'm looking for but I would have no idea how to describe it to a stylist.
I'd be like
"Hey...can you...um....cut it...sorta like....y'know.....
...................... ...................................ah, f*ck it, just a little off the back and sides dude"
Man I have no idea how to ask for what I want in a salon.
by Pete Zapye
i hate my thick hair i just need a hairstylist that will thin my hair and i could get that ya but i like that
by andrew houdek